Scenes around East Challow
Scenes around East Challow
East Challow Parish Council
East Challow Parish Council

Financial Documents FY 2022/2023

Please click on the links below to view the Parish Council Accounts.

An elector may inspect these documents at all reasonable times and without payment – by appointment with the Clerk

Audit Documents

Audited Accounts

Notice of Public Rights

Internal Audit Report

Audited Accounts
Note - Signatures removed to be GDPR Compliant.
Adobe Acrobat document [3.9 MB]
Notice of Public Rights
Public Rights_ECPC_2022-2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [152.1 KB]
Internal Audit Report
East Challow IAS 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [113.9 KB]
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Adobe Acrobat document [83.9 KB]

Accompanying Audit Reports

Variances & Explanations

Asset Register

Bank Reconciliation

Earmarked Reserves

Variances Report & Explanation of Variances
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
2022/2023 Asset Register
PDF File [66.7 KB]
Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation as of 31st March 2023
PDF File [52.2 KB]
Earmarked Reserves Balances
Reserves Balance_31March2023.PDF
PDF File [52.2 KB]
AGAR - No Explanation - Section 1, Item 7
Adobe Acrobat document [146.0 KB]

Annual Reports to VOWHDC 

CIL Report

S137 Report

CIL Report 2022-2023
Community Infrastructure Levy Report as required by The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010, s62
Adobe Acrobat document [151.1 KB]


Other Required Reports

Payments List

Receipts List

Net Position / End of Year Budget Review.

All Payments FY 2022-2023
Adobe Acrobat document [427.0 KB]
All Receipts FY 2022-2023
Adobe Acrobat document [228.3 KB]
End of Year Budget Review
Adobe Acrobat document [60.5 KB]
Information General Election 2024
General Election 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [98.7 KB]
Apply now to work at the General Election 2024
Apply now to work at the General Electio[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [73.9 KB]

Contact us:

East Challow Parish Council

07774 405 472


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© East Challow Parish Council