Scenes around East Challow
Scenes around East Challow
East Challow Parish Council
East Challow Parish Council
October 2017 St Nicholas Church Flower Festival
St Nicholas Church Flower Festival Oct 2[...]
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St Nicholas Church

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St. Nicholas Church is part of the Vale Benefice with Denchworth, Hanney and Grove.

Vicar: Revd John Durant

Associate Vicar: Revd. Alec Gill The Vicarage, Main St. Grove, OX12 7LQ  

Tel.01235 766484

Licensed Lay Minister:  Sue Powditch

Benefice office

tel. 01235 771479

office hours: Mon - Fri. 9.00am - 1.00pm


Linda Hopkins             01235 767121

Ruth Pepler                  01235 762197


Sunday  11.15am. Parish Eucharist 

We have a children’s area for use by those with young children. Coffee is served after the service.

Thursday 10.00am said Eucharist

The church  is open during daylight hours for prayer and contemplation.

Study groups meet in Advent and Lent

Prayer Tree .There is a prayer tree in church for anyone  to offer a prayer on a leaf for someone in need.

Challow News is produced monthly by the church and delivered free in and around the village.  This has details of church and some village events for the month.

The Church Fellowship holds meetings most  months of the year on the third Tuesday of the month, Details can be found in Challow News

Open The Book  This is a three year programme, that takes Bible stories to primary school children. A team of volunteers from church go into St Nicholas school assembly on a Thursday morning. Costumes and props are used to make the stories come alive.





Information General Election 2024
General Election 2024.pdf
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Apply now to work at the General Election 2024
Apply now to work at the General Electio[...]
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Contact us:

East Challow Parish Council

07774 405 472


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© East Challow Parish Council